Saturday, August 22, 2009

Real Estate Direct Mail Tip: Customer Solution vs. Self-Promotion

By M. B. Bradley

Oh yes. You've poured your heart and soul into your business. You've spent sleepless nights on ways to increase business. You've spent 12 16 even some 20-hour days working on keeping it alive. And now, I'm telling you, as you sit down to write your copy that it's all about your customer - not you. How dare I?

Ah, but it's so true. If you write your next mailing from the perspective of your ego, your reader will see what through this. Don't take this personally, but they really don't give a hoot about you. They don't care how long you've been in business. They don't care if you've won any awards. And they certainly don't care how many employees you do or don't have.

Okay, you ask. What exactly do they care about then? They care deeply about find a solution to their problem. And their problem right now is that they have a house that won't sell. They may even have a house that is approaching the foreclosure stage. Now that's their problem.

Keep in mind that your prospects are in a dire situation and that they need solutions to their problems. Your goal is to provide them with the solutions on how they can sell their homes at a good price. They just want to read the solutions, not your personal backgrounds.

And then guess who wins the "attribute war"? Certainly not you! But, if on the other hand, you can find a sensible, sane solution to their current dilemma, then you've just won their hearts, their souls (well, let's not go too far), but definitely their business.

Nobody wins in the eyes of the customer when it comes to self-promotions. There are too many good, great, well-experienced, and self-described men with integrity in real estate postcard marketing materials.

However, if you offer a believable and highly-desired solution to their problem in your real estate direct mail, then your prospects will give you a chance.

And to give your prospects their most desired solution, you need to know the background of their problem. Do they want a quick sale because of foreclosure, work relocation, or marriage?

If your prospects see that your real estate marketing material provides a solution to their problem, they will likely decide to work with you in getting a deal.

Instead of being the Man of Steel, try being a compassionate listening friend who can help them out of a tough situation. Then you'll see how much more effective your mailing has become.

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