Sunday, February 17, 2013

Totally Charitable Activities Mr. Bruce Karatz Also Has Attempted

By Franklin Station

After his time at KB Home someone like Bruce Karatz could have done literally anything. But instead of just being the CEO of a different company, he chose to serve his community. Doing that in a wide variety of ways, you'd be amazed at the difference he's made in the lives of thousands.

Before his time at KB Home was up, as convinced the board to provide a home for an episode of Extreme Home Makeover. Then KB Home were not so hot on the idea, but Karatz was able to convince the board to help a family.

But that's the sort of thing he does on a regular basis. Through different charitable organizations like the Keep Your Home Foundation he helps people hold on to their homes as well.

With families under threat of losing their home all up and down California, he figured it was time to do something. That's why the charity organization came together, to provide mortgage relief for families.

That left literally thousands in California at risk with no way for them to pay back those mortgages. But through Mr. Bruce Karatz and his foundation they've found some form of relief from those costs.

Then there's HomeBoy Industries. This is a pretty unique type of charity, because of how it's meant to help a community and reduce crime by going right to the source and changing the culture. That's the only way to initiate any type of positive change.

That means learning a trade so that they can take on more normal jobs, and become valuable members of society once again. That's one of the coolest things he's done over the years actually.

With a trade, it's easier to make a legitimate living. That's important for making sure that you can really turn your life around, and stay away from the problems that came up that caused them to turn to crime in the first place.

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